22 October, 2024

Central Workshop Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 8-10 February 2008


 Workshop Documents:

- Programme
Work Groups

- Airport-Shuttle Prague - Kutna Hora


Regional Reports:

- Egerer, Harald: Protocol on Conservation and Sustainability in the Carpathians


Topic Reports:

Work Group 1: Rescue and Quarantine
Presenters: Waltraud Kugler and Ulrich Donath
Agenda_WG_1 ; WG1_Laws_and_Systems; WG1_Epidemics

- Delgado, Juan-V.: A Multidisciplinary Experience of Conservation of AnGR in Spain
- Gandini, Gustavo:
Remarks to Rescue and Quarantine
- Scherf, Beate: (see FAO paper
FAO Legal Frames, 724 KB)
- Jeremic, Jasna:
Rescue and Quarantine in context of Nature Protection in Croatia
- Kume, Kristaq:
Building_up_Ark and Rescue Centres_in_Albania (636 KB)

Work Group 2: Characterisation of Ark & Rescue Centres
Presenters: Antje Feldmann and Staf Van den Bergh
Agenda_WG_2 and Discussion_Paper_WG2

- Baldi, Claudio: The_Teaching Farm "Cascina Bricco" Torino, Italy
- Balzer, Babette:
Ark & Rescue Centres in the context of the Nat. Programme on AnGR in Germany
- Gugic, Goran:
An in-situ model for the preservation in Lonjsko Polje Nature Park
- Ivanov, Sergej: (paper prepared for Work Group 4, see below)
- Pucher, Herwig:
- Wolters, Pauline:
City Farms and Rare Breeds
- Zegwaard, Ank:
Assignments for classes who visit a City Farm

Work Group 3: Breeding
Presenters: Daniele Bigi and Riccardo Fortina
Agenda_WG_3 and Discussion_Paper_WG3

- Fimland, Erling: Genetic diversity and sustainable management of AnGR, globally
- Gama, Luis:
Monitoring of_livestock breeds at risk in Portugal
- Groeneveld, Eildert:
Management of Populations under Biodiversity Aspects
- Ivankovic, Ante: (paper prepared for Work Group 4, see below)
- Ligda, Christine:Defining the breeding objectives for small populations

- Matlova, Vera:
In-situ conservation of AnGR in the Czech Republic
- (Radnoczi, Laszlo):
Conservation of AnGR in Hungary
- Rosati, Andrea:
Breeding rare breeds

Work Group 4: Marketing Strategies
Presenters: Hape Grunenfelder, Martin Schneider-Jacoby, Anja Zimmermann
Agenda_WG_4 and Discussion_Paper_WG4

- Chaupin, M-Th: Wool products of the rare sheep breeds: Promotion of breeds and added value
- Drovs, Sylvia:
Chances for Marketing in the Organic Sector and Tourism in Montenegro
- (Ivanov, Sergej):
Marketing as part of agrobiodiversity conservation in the Stara Planina Mt. area
- (Ivankovic, Ante):
Autochthonous breeds and marketing of their products in Croatia
- Lutwyche, Richard: (see presentation at Workshop Outcomes)
- Quassolo, Marzio:
Certification of Ark_Products
- Radnoczi, Laszlo:
Product protection of indigenous breeds in Hungary
- Zegwaard, Ank:
Field of work of Stichting Zeldzame Huisdierrassen (SZH) in the Netherlands



Action 066 ELBARN 2007-2010 received financial support from the European Commission, Directorate- General for Agriculture and Rural Development, under Council Regulation (EC) No 870/2004  
Rare Breeds & Products


Elbarn 2007-2010 Partners