22 October, 2024

Partner Organisations of the EU-funded project ELBARN 2007-2010

EuroNatur:  The European Nature Heritage Fund – EuroNatur is a non-profit foundation which stands up for the conservation of the European nature heritage on many different levels, e.g. via special species protection projects, renaturation measures, and site protection as well as political lobbying activities or environmental education. EuroNatur projects are long-term and often cross-border projects aiming not only at the protection of nature, but also at an ecological development of the respective rural areas. Without considering the needs of the people, long-term protection of natural resources is not possible. Therefore, EuroNatur always cooperates closely with regional partner organisations and local residents.


SAVE Foundation: In many countries in Europe, there are organisations supporting and promoting the conservation of Agro-Biodiversity. The SAVE Foundation acts as a European umbrella organisation for these organisations. It promotes and coordinates activities to conserve endangered breeds of domestic animals and cultivated plant varieties. The SAVE Foundation also acts practically, in areas where there is, as yet, no national organisation in existence. The SAVE Foundation and its Partners make up the European SAVE Network.


The Society for the Conservation of Old and Endangered Livestock Breeds GEH: GEH was formed in 1981 out of a group of breeders, keepers and idealists.  It now has over 2000 members throughout Germany.  GEH works practically for the conservation of traditional breeds in Germany.  Alongside a quarterly magazine, they also run a “red list” of endangered breeds as well as working closely together with state institutes to promote conservation in Germany.  GEH also owns a number of animals from genetically important animal breeds, which are in the hands of members of the organisation.  Together with agricultural scientists, they work to find optimal strategies for conserving these breeds.  GEH is a founding member of the SAVE network.


SLE: Steunpunt Leven Erfgoed [Living Heritage Centre] has been dedicated for almost twenty years to the preservation of the original and now often rare local breeds of agricultural animals and poultry. SLE is the only organisation in Flanders that works for the preservation of our old and local breeds in all species, and for the retention of variety in our genetic legacy.

SLE members receive the quarterly magazine de ARK. The SLE website is a treasure trove of information on our living heritage and an important medium for the exchange of ideas. Members can also take part in the herd book scheme for our local breeds of sheep and goats and call on the services of SLE in the areas of animal-keeping and breeding. In partnership with the Province of East Flanders, SLE is developing the Levend Erfgoed Park (Living Heritage Park) in the Puyenbroeck provincial domain in Wachtebeke. All the local breeds will be found there.  The Levend Erfgoed Expo (Living Heritage Expo) takes place in the second half of August every year. It is a festival day for Living Heritage and draws thousands of visitors.  


RARE: (Razze Autoctone a Rischio di Estinzione) is the first private association for conservation of local and endangered Italian domestic breeds for their scientific, cultural, economic and environmental value.
Founded in 2002, RARE is partner of the European SAVE Foundation and operates in cooperation with breeders, universities, regional administrations and other existing associations to promote educational activities and give information on the status of endangered breeds. The members of RARE are currently working on specific conservation projects for many breeds and, to continue this work, one of the main objectives of RARE is the establishment of an Italian network of breeders of local and endangered breeds, the so called "allevatori custodi" (caretakers), serving as a centre point for the exchange of animals, information, and know-how.

Rare Breeds & Products


Elbarn 2007-2010 Partners